Comparison with the other plays
Following the many messages of the forums, we noted several types of comparisons to other plays:
- comparisons with plays to allow us to be different. For example: “this function already exists in such other play, if you prefer more personal/original being, should make you differently”
- comparisons which illustrate a function
- comparisons to say to us to make as in such play
Lastly, we also noted the abuse in certain messages of criticism towards the other plays (that we will not voluntarily quote).
We know what is the creation of a play and what that induces like creative constraints or needs (artistic will, technical choices, requirement, possibilities of realization).
We have also respect for artistiqus creation and the other plays in general.
Thus, it from now on is authorized any more speech on this forum of another play only Moonkiroe, some is the framework in which that is done (that is to complain or compare the plays), hormi by MP with the developers or regulators of the forum.
This forum is neither a hotline for the other plays, nor a place where one can complain about the other plays, by not respecting the work of their creator.
Thus, all 1st comment which will speak about another play will be followed of one 1st warning without consequence.
On the other hand, if that reproduces, the messages according to will be seen allotted Warn (avrtissement having consequences).
At the end of 3 warn, the member will be banished forum (and play) during 1 week.
Following that, if it recommencait, it would be the final banishment of the forum and its inscription on the list of the beta-testers would be removed.
It should well be understood that a play is a process of creation long and difficult and that all the plays deserve the respect.
Thank you for your comprehension.